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There are three different types of accounts: user accounts, customer accounts, and designer accounts.
You do not need to have any account if you just want to use our 3D printing service. But if you start to order more often we recommend to make a customer account.
A user account is needed if you want to actively participate in our marketplace: share your own 3D-models, rate, and comment on models of others. It is also needed to make a customer account.
You can get a user account by signing up here.
On sign-up for a normal user account, you need to supply a unique user name, a valid e-mail address and a secure password.
A customer account is useful if you want to order 3D prints more often. You can store your customer data for the next order and can see your list of orders. It is also needed to make a designer account.
After you signed up, you can expand your user account to a customer account (a link to the form is here after logging in or on the MyJOMATIK page). For a customer account, you need to supply your name as well as a shipping and eventually a billing address.
A designer account is needed if you want to add a design price to the models you share on the marketplace and earn some money each time someone orders a 3D printout of your model.
You can further expand your customer account to a designer account (after login here or on the MyJOMATIK page). For this, you need a valid paypal account and eventually a tax number.
Please also note our general terms of use for users and customers (here) and for designers (here).
Using our 3D Print Service
JOMATIK offers the service to print 3D models for you on modern rapid prototyping machines. You do not need to make any acoount for ordering a 3D printout, but if you order more often we recommend to make a customer account.
You can either use our 3D print service to get your own object printed or you can order a printout of an object from our 3D marketplace.
Upload for the 3D print service
You can start the ordering procedure for your own model by uploading it on our 3D printing service. First specifying your 3D model file (see the list of currently supported file formats). The uploading may need a short moment since the file needs to be transmitted to the server and analysed before the next steps. It can happen that your model has some surface errors. If this is the case our automatic repair service will attempt to fix your model after analyzing when uploading to the print service.
Next, you can select the best orientation for your object. Use the arrows to specify the best frontal view. The orientation is only used for visualizing your model during ordering, it does not determine the printing direction.
Since many 3D model file formats do not save an internal length unit, you also need to supply the physical units (mm, cm, inch) the 3D file is saved as before proceeding to the next step to define the size of your model.
Following the upload steps will bring you to the 3D print order parameter configuration page, where you choose the 3D print settings.
Configuring 3D print settings
In the 3D print order parameter configurator, you can set the amount, size, color, material and printing technique of your print order. You can get an overview of the different printing types and materials here. With our instant pricing function you can always check the price of the current selection. You can find more information about our order and delivery conditions here.
Proceeding from the shopping cart
From the shopping cart page you can finish your order. If you are not logged in, you will be prompted to decide whether you want to order with an existing JOMATIK customer account or without registration. If you decide to create a new customer account you can do this as well. In the following steps you will be asked to provide or verify your billing and shipping address and choose the desired payment method. After your order has been submitted, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
The delivery time starts from the time the payment has arrived (for more information see here). You will then get the 3D printout sent to your shipping address by mail.
Please note that it is not always possible to print the object due to technical reasons (too thin walls, failures in the mesh data, etc.). In this case we will inform you by email and the payment you already made will be refunded.
File Formats
We support a number of common 3D model file formats. This list will be updated and expanded with time. Our converter technology allow you to upload and download your file in any of the implemented file formats. So you have the maximal choice to use the files in your 3D program.
One point you should take care of when working with different file formats is that not every file format is capable of storing every kind of information. For example, the STL file format cannot save color information. The table below gives an overview of the features we support. Currently, we support the following file formats:
STL - Surface Tesselation Language
A 3D model file format that was originally developed for stereolithography systems and that is used by most 3D printers today. It is capable of saving triangulated surfaces ("meshes") but it cannot store any additional surface material or color information.
STEP / STP - Standard for the Exchange of Product Model Data
STEP itself is a standard for describing product data. The corresponding data format with file endings .step or .stp is often used as a transfer format between different CAD programs. Besides the description of the surface of a 3D model it can include additional information, e.g. regarding production parameters. Here in the online 3D print service the model surface defined in the STEP-file is triangulated before being processed further and it converted into the mesh format STL. For this it is necessary that in the STEP-file a closed, “watertight” surface is defined. All additional information that are not directly incorporated into the mesh are not transferred with the conversion. Color information is not stored in the STL either.
PLY - Polygon File Format
A flexible file format developed by the Stanford University. It is capable of saving triangulated surface information. In general, complex surface material information like color, texture or roughness can be saved with this format, but the lack of a common standard has led to a point, where only basic geometry information is supported by most programs. In our implementation surface color is additionally stored.
3DS - 3D Studio Format
The file format of the 3D construction software 3D Studio Max.
3MF - 3D Manufacturing Format
3MF is an XML-based data format – human-readable compressed XML — that includes definitions for data related to 3D manufacturing.
STL | STEP | PLY | 3DS | 3MF | |
Triangulated Surfaces | |||||
Colors | |||||
Bitmap Textures | |||||
Transparency |
On the MyJOMATIK page you can administrate your profile's settings, check your print orders, access your messagebox, upgrade your account or manage your objects. You can reach the MyJOMATIK page over the control bar on the top right direcly beneath your username.
Download from the Marketplace
Some objects on the JOMATIK marketplace can be downloaded for free as virtual 3D models. You can find them via the advanced search function.
You will find a download link on the object page of any downloadable object. You can download the file in different file formats. Note that not every file format is capable of storing all information as colors or special material properties. If you specify a file format that cannot store some types of information, the object will be converted to fit into the target file format.
Please note that the use of the objects is only allowed for personal and non-commerical use.
Sharing Model on the 3D marketplace
You can share your models on our 3D marketplace and discuss with others on their models. For this you need a user account.
If you have a designer account you can charge a design price for each time someone orders a 3D printout of your model.
Upload to the 3D marketplace
When logged in, start uploading your model from here. First choose a file to upload (see the list of currently supported file formats). The uploading may take a short moment, the file needs to be transmitted to the server and analysed before the next steps. It can happen that your model has some surface errors. If this is the case a warning will be shown and you will be advised to repair our model before uploading.
Next, you need to select the best orientation for your object. Use the arrows to specify the best frontal view. The following images give an example for one good and one not so good orientation. 3D model files stemming from different CAD programs are often oriented differently, what makes this step neccessary. Your object will later be previewed in the selected orientation at all times.
Image: Correct setting of the 3D model's orientation.
Since many 3D model file formats do not save an internal length unit, you also need to supply the physical units the 3D file is saved as before proceeding to the next step to define the size of your model.
Setting up your 3D model for the marketplace
After uploading the file, you will reach the model settings screen, where you need to give additional information about your object. Later you can change some of the given information, but others cannot be changed after the model is included in the marketplace. These topics are labeled by a (p) as permanent data in the following list:
Object Title (p): | A short term to name your object. |
Object Abstract: | A short text that describes your object. |
Description Text: | You can write a short text that describes the object in more detail. |
Category Selection: |
You need to choose at least one category that fits to your object. Select a higher
level category from the dropdown list or go back one level by clicking onto a lower level category name. You can add another category by clicking the text "Add 2nd Category". In maximum three categories are available. If you think that none of the present categories fits to your object, you may put it into the category "uncategorizable". From time to time we will expand our category list in order to include such objects. |
Flags: | You show your object has certain properties by selecting some flags. |
Allow Download / Printout: | You are free to decide whether you want to allow others to download your object for private use or whether you want to give others the opportunity to order a 3D printout of your object via the JOMATIK 3D print service. |
Unit Length (p): | Most 3D model file formats define their objects in dimensionless length units. In order to give a meaning to such units, i.e. to define the object's real-life extension, you need to define the physical length scale of the object. |
Price for Design: |
If you have a designer account you can set a price for your design when someone orders a printout of your object. This price is added to the production price, which varies with material and size. JOMATIK keeps a certain percentage of the design price as a service fee and the rest is transferred to your paypal account periodically. More details can be found in the terms of use / AGB for designer. |
Object Color (p): |
Maybe you don't want your object to appear in its original color (e.g.
if the file format doesn't support color information).
You can use the option "monochrome" and use the corresponding color table to set the color.
The whole object will then be painted in this color. Please be aware that the original color information, if existent, is deleted in this case. |
Material (p): |
You can make the object appear in a special surface material. For this, choose one material from the predefined material list. The material will be applied to the whole object's surface material definition. Please note that the material types "Plastic" and "Porcelain" will not influence the object's colors (i.e. the object will have the color as defined in the "Object Color" section) while the materials "Silver" and "Gold" change the color of the whole object to silver or gold. |
After hitting the "Proceed" button the object is processed and inserted into
the marketplace. This may again take a while. As soon as the processing is finished, your object will appear in the marketplace.
Please note that you may only upload models that you own. If you want to let others order a 3D print of your model please also take care that the model is printable. Please do not advertise a certain functionality of the printed model. A 3D printed model is not a tested and certified product.
Please note that objects that violate the German laws or that are offensive or do not comply in any other way with our terms of use / AGB will be deleted by us. The same applies to objects with respective inappropriate titles, abstracts, or descriptions. We reserve the rights to permanently exclude members that seriously offend these rules.Rating
Objects in the 3D marketplace can be rated by other users. The rating score is shown on the object's page. It is a number between 1 (poor) and 6 (fantastic) that is represented by 6 stars.
If you are logged in, you can rate an object directly on the object's main page. Move the mouse cursor over the rating star graph and click on one of the stars.
Please note, that new objects always start with a rating score of 3 stars (average).
Image: Rating an object.
Flags are used to mark several special properties of an object in the JOMATIK marketplace. Some flags are controlled by the owner of the object while other flags are set automatically. The following flags are currently in use:
Realistic Object | The object is constructed to have at least some realistic functionality. This means that parts which are moveable in the original real-life object are present and free in the constructed virtual model object as well and that a 3D printout of the model may possess the functionality of the object. | |
3D Print Permitted | The owner allows that the object may be ordered as a 3D printout by others. | |
Free Download Permitted | The owner allows the object to be downloaded for free. Please note: Usage of the model is only allowed for personal, non-commercial use. The distribution of the object is prohibited. | |
Printability Not Tested | We have not tried to print this object until now. This is the default value for any new object in the database. | |
Object is Printable | This object has been 3D printed successfully at least once. This does not guarantee that the object can be printed in any size or material, but at least the objects has no surface defects and is suitable for printing in principle. | |
Object is Not Printable | The object is not suitable for 3D printing, e.g. due to defects in the surface mesh. |